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How to check or update customer point balances
If you want to check how many points a customer has from their interactions with your shoppers, you can do so by navigating to Connect > Community.
On the community page, you'll see a list of all the customers who have products on Experify. This page displays the customer name, sign-up date, location, product owned, available points, and lifetime points. You can filter by product, filter by product status (published or unpublished), or use the search bar to search for a specific customer to view.
What's the difference between lifetime points and available points?
Lifetime points are the total points a customer has earned for all time. Available points are the points they currently have available to redeem rewards. If a customer has previously redeemed their points for a reward, the lifetime points and available points numbers will be different.
Can I update the amount of points a customer has available?
If you need to update the available point balance for a customer, for example, if you'd like to add extra points or remove points they shouldn't have earned, you can do so by using the quick menu next to the customer's name. Just click the three dots, then click Adjust available points.
On the Adjust Reward Points page, enter the new total amount of available points for the customer. This will overwrite the current available reward points for the selected user.
Note: This only allows you to add the new total a customer should have, not add a new amount to the existing total.